EUPATI Training Course: Second face-to-face training

The second face to face training event part of the EUPATI Patient Expert Course took place on 14-18 September 2015. Over 45 patient advocates from more than 20 European countries gathered in Barcelona, Spain for a week of intensive training on medicines research and development.
This 15 month blended e-learning and in person training program for patient advocates is part of the 'European Patients Academy on Therapeutic Innovation' (EUPATI) project that EPF has been leading since 2012. The aim of EUPATI is to develop educational material, training courses and a public Internet library to educate patient representatives and the public about all processes involved in medicines development.
During the five days, the trainees had the opportunity to explore how patients can get involved in key areas of medicine development such as benefit risk assessment, pharmacovigilance and Health Technology Assessment. This event was designed so that the trainees can capitalise on what they had learned on the e-learning part of the training, looking at how patients can contribute to making medicine research and development (R&D) process more effective and patient-centred.
“The information and knowledge I got from EUPATI is very interesting for me as it will help me work better and empower families and patients. I encourage others to take this course and share the knowledge with the different people that are involved in healthcare” commented Begonya Nafria from Spain.
Trainee Peter Lack said that “when I think about a year ago when I started, I realise that I got a really good overview over many important topics that I did not know before and now I have a better understanding on what this is all about. ”
What is next for EUPATI?
The second course of the European Patients’ Academy has already kicked-off with a webinar that took place in early October. 60 more patient advocates are involved in this course and by the end of 2016 there will be approximately 100 new expert patients able to share their expertise with thousands of patients and patient advocates in the EU and also to be able to engage effectively with different stakeholders involved in the therapeutic innovation process.
More information:
Contact: Walter Atzori, EPF Senior Programme Officer,