Successful project application: EMPATHY

It is EPF’s first youth project. EMPATHY aims to organise a four-day seminar in mid-2013 for young patients, European policy-makers, and stakeholder actors in the fields of health, education, social and youth policy. The purpose is to promote a more holistic approach to addressing young patients’ needs in EU-level decision-making processes.
The project idea was identified by the EPF Youth Group during the 2011 annual meeting and was further developed by the EPF Secretariat in liaison with the President of the Youth Group and in the vein of the EPF Youth Strategy. It started with the launch of the Youth Strategy in 2011. EPF would like to provide young patients with appropriate tools and avenues through which their specific needs and expectations can be put forward. This would contribute to strengthening their representatives’ skills and self-confidence while reinforcing their representation in patient organisations. EPF also intends to be the driving force of better cooperation between young patients and adult patient advocates. Ultimately, this should lead to health policies that are more responsive to young patients’ needs.
The project is led by EPF and will be implemented by a consortium of 9 patient organisations, all having nominated a member for the EPF youth group:
• European Patients' Forum (EPF) – Project leader
• Estonian Multiple Sclerosis Society (EMSS)
• European Federation Crohn's & Ulceratice Colitis Associations (EFCCA)
• European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP)
• Federation of Polish Patients (FPP)
• International Diabetes Federation – Europe (IDF Europe)
• Lietuvos asociacija "Gyvastis" (GYVASTIS)
• Malta Health Network (MHN)
• National Patients' Organisation (NPO)
• Verenigde Ouderen en PatientenOrganisaties (VSOP)
The project will start officially in August 2012. The "kick-off" meeting with the members of EPF Youth Group will be held in Malta the first week-end of September.
For further information about EMPATHY, please contact Walter Atzori, EPF Senior Programme Officer, at