InterQuality: projects’ outcomes now on video!

Ms Kolaza from the Medical University of Warsaw explains that the project has identified two directions for the future development of the recommended pharmaceutical benefit financing model.
Prof. Giacomo Pignataro from the University of Catania explains that hospitals financed through Prospective Payment Systems tend to be more efficient and to offer better quality of care than those financed through global budgets.
Prof. John Hutton from the University of York reveals that financial incentives should be imposed to improve the quality of care delivered outside the hospital setting.
Prof. Christian Krauth from Hannover Medical School also speaks about the fragmentation of healthcare provision in comparison with a coordinated and integrated care model.
“We hope European countries will use this gained knowledge to choose the right financing mechanisms in different areas of their healthcare systems, according to their needs and resources, and to pay not more, but smarter” concludes the project leader Prof. Tomasz Hermanowski from the Medical University of Warsaw.
Link to the video:
Contact: Valentina Strammiello, Project Officer,, +32 (0)2 274 08 62.