EMPATHY: what are the next steps?

These include the following:
- A project report outlining the outcomes of the EMPATHY Seminar. The report will also include a collection of real life challenges young patients have faced in relation to either the healthcare services they have used or discrimination they have faced at school, university, or labour market.
- A set of Recommendations for policy-makers and stakeholders on the importance of taking young patients’ needs into account in their work and activities. The objective of this resource is to raise awareness among policy makers and stakeholders in charge of polices who have an impact on young people’s lives of the need to consider the specific needs of young patients in their work.
- A set of recommendations for patient organisations on how to integrate a young patient perspective in their work. Drawing on the results of the EPF 2010 Regional Advocacy Seminar specifically dedicated to fostering the involvement of young patients in patient organisations, and outcomes of discussions held during the EMPATHY Seminar this deliverable will highlight benefits and opportunities, but also challenges, of involving young patients within patient organisations.
These resources, which are currently being drafted, will be finalised at the meeting of the EPF Youth Group in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, from 26 to 29 September.