A Model for Patients' Involvement in HTA

Health Technology Assessment is the systematic evaluation of properties, effects, and impacts of health technology. It is a multidisciplinary process that covers medical, social, economic, and ethical issues.
Involving patients in the HTA process has proved to be crucial. Patients’ organisations have already done some good groundwork to this effect but they are still struggling to gain a foothold I many EU Member States. Having a model would provide them and HTA counterparts with a methodology to be more successful.
EPF looks at developing a draft based on the Value+ project. This flagship model offered the tools to promote patients’ involvement in EU supported health-related projects. Although the perspective was wider, weare confident it can be applied in other contexts.
The findings of the EPF research on patients’ involvement in HTA will also help to inform the development of this model. All three groups of stakeholders involved in this survey - HTA agencies, HTA decision makers and patients’ organisations - acknowledged that there is a lack of capacity among them to involve patients.
The information provided by the EPF survey and the Value+ Model offer sufficient content and structure for developing a first draft model. This will be further complemented by a multi-stakeholder consultation with key HTA networks ad players, through understanding of their needs and expectations vis-à-vis a robust, effective tool that can be easily used.
For more information, please contact Liuska Sanna, EPF Programme Manager, at liuska.sanna@eu-patient.eu.