Veronica Rubio

Veronica Rubio is a Lawyer specialized in international trade and human rights, with a master’s degree in Bioethics. For the last 20 years she has worked promoting sustainable supply chains, social corporate responsibility and small farmers’ access to the international fair-trade markets.
She has solid experience developing certification standards as well as Business Code of Conducts to respect Human Rights both at headquarter and supply chains.
In 2019, she received her Bioethics Master Degree with she advance her knowledge on patient centered approach to health as well as bioethics dilemmas in scientific investigation and human testing of drugs and treatments.
She started working for the AOECS in March 2021 and since then she had
acquired a good understanding on how patients’ organization work, their
challenges, and their opportunities.
She is a Spanish native speaker and fluent in English, French and Portuguese
with a strong experience working with different cultures and nationalities.
Her nomination to be part of the EPF Ethics Committee is motivated by AOECS’ desire to contribute to the governance of the EPF and support EPF in all tasks and responsibilities allocated to the EPF Ethics Committee.