Dominik Tomek

Dominik Tomek is an Advisor of the Association for the Protection of Patients' Rights in Slovak Republic. He is also a founding member of the Slovak Society for Pharmacoeconomics, founding member and former director of the Slovak Agency for Health Technology Assessment and a founding member and the current president of Local ISPOR Chapter Slovakia as well as deputy chair of CEEC ISPOR Chapters Network Education Committee.
Dr. Tomek has a doctor degree in Clinical Pharmacy, a PhD. in the field of public health and degrees of postgraduate specialisations in management of public pharmacy, preparation of radiopharmaceuticals, supervising pharmacy for health insurance, pharmacoeconomics and in management of public health. He is teaching at the Faculty of Medicine, Slovak Medical University and Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia.
He pioneered Patient Empowerment and patient education in Slovakia, having dozen of PE seminars in the last years ( Since 2010 he is teaching, training and lecturing patients in the field of treatment adherence, prevention, communication, health economy and other drug policy and health policy issues.
"As a patient myself, a patient relative, taking care of my handicapped daughter and a long time health care provider including many years in oncology hospital, I am a dedicated patient advocate" he said.