Youth Strategy

The main aims of the EPF Youth Strategy are to make sure the young patient voice is effectively heard when shaping the policy and research agenda within Europe, build a strong core of educated and empowered young patient advocates, and ensure the future of patient organisations and patient representation within Europe.
In line with EPF Strategic Plan 2021-2026, the Youth Strategy should be achieved by the following goals:
GOAL 1: Promote the recognition of young patients’ needs and expectations within and beyond the health policy area.
The strong voice of young patients, effectively shaping the policy agenda and beyond, within Europe through EPF, with the EPF Youth Group being the most representative, diverse and inclusive young patient voice at a European level.
GOAL 2: Build the future of patient advocacy
Build the capacities and leadership skills of young patient advocates and help the collaboration of older and younger generations of patient leaders for organisational success.
GOAL 3: Become a reference point for young patients all over Europe.
Strengthen the cooperation between the EPF YG and other EPF member organisations’ youth groups in order to better shape the Youth agenda in Europe together.
The EPF Youth Group develops a workplan each year selecting key activities.
It is important to note that the EPF Youth Group is made up by young volunteers and therefore the workplan might change in consideration of their availability and aspirations.