Erato Markantoni

Erato is a young patient advocate from Cyprus.
Erato Markantoni comes from Cyprus, and while she doesn’t have a chronic condition herself, her brother has cerebral palsy. She joined the Youth Group to represent him and people that went through similar experiences, (providing an alternative point of view as a close relative to a person with a chronic condition). She is currently a high school student, aiming to study medicine at university and continue being an advocate for patient’s rights.
Related Information
Erato Markantoni comes from Cyprus, and while she doesn’t have any chronic condition herself, her brother has cerebral palsy. She joined the Youth group to represent him and people that went through similar experiences, (providing an alternative point of view as a close relative to a person with a chronic condition). She is currently a high school student, aiming to study medicine at university and continue being an advocate for patient’s rights.