Financial statement 2023

Financial Statement 2023

31/12/2023 YTD ACTUAL

Operating Income

€ 2.380.722,41

Membership Fees

€ 28.850,00

Forum Work Plan

€ 630.000,00

Capacity Building Program

€ 355.734,53


€ 403.375,39

Honorarium  € 12.922,40
Data Saves Lives € 110.000,00

Artificial Intelligence

€ 55.929,96


€ 25.458,00

Project Access to Medicine

€ -6.000,00
Project HTA360 € 5.635,96
Project COMPARE € -15.000,76
Project Core-MD € 23.887,38

Project EUCAPA

€ 23.816,76

Project EHDEN

€ 106.954,50

Project EU-PEARL € 117.364,39
Project EATRIS+ € 51.577,85
Project IMMUCAN € 29.114,40


€ 18.890,54

Project IDERHA

€ 12.075,48

Project Gravitate Health

€ 63.423,70
Project H2O

€ 77.055,65

Project Periscope

€ 37.876,84

Project Immuniverse € 0,00
Project Label to Enable € 56.407,99
Project HEU EFS € 10.901,90
Refund of expenses € 135.408,72
VAT to claim pro rata € 7.748,75
Other income and refunds € 1.312,08
OPERATING CHARGES € -2.317.520,44
STAFF COSTS € -1.475.469,87
Gross remuneration € -1.048.493,79
ONSS contributions € -241.309,47
Other staff costs (holiday pay, insurance, meal vouchers, other) € -185.666,61
SUBCONTRACTING € -182.610,17
GENERAL COSTS € -659.440,40
Building costs € -151.549,96
Office costs € -79.113,65
Fees € -142.931,89
Insurances € -6.472,95
Travel € -110.174,42
Meetings € -160.159,57
Communication € -6.526,91
Others € -2.511,05
DEPRECIATIONS € -25.157,51
Addition the legal reserves € -24.724,62
Estimated taxes € -272,65
BANK RESULT € -1.021,68
TOTAL RESULT € 12.025,51