Call for interest: Workshop on Access to and Uptake of Biosimilar Medicinal Products (20 June)

When? 20 June 2016, 10.30 – 16.45
Where? European Commission, DG GROW, Avenue d'Auderghem 45, Brussels
Are you interested in participating in a European Commission workshop on biosimilar medicines? Topics will include interchangeability of biologic medicines, information gaps and needs of patients and health professionals. (An agenda will be available at a later date.)
How? There will be around 10 places reserved for patients, with the travel and accommodation costs reimbursed by the Commission.
Please contact EPF with a brief explanation of why you wish to participate in this event, which patient organisation you represent and in which EU Member State you live. Email:
Please let us know of your interest by Monday, 14 March 2016. Participation will be confirmed with consideration of geographic diversity and representativeness of different disease-areas.
More information
More information about a previous Commission biosimilars workshop is available here: