Universal Access to Health: How can we contribute?

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 4th edition of the "Universal Access to Health" debate, an initiative allowing different stakeholders (industry, insurers, health organisations) to exchange their views on how we can reach universal access to healthcare.
See agenda
When? 27 April, 09.30-12.30, followed by a networking lunch
Where? Renaissance Brussels Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19, B-1050
Who? This event is organised in partnership with Medicines for Europe, EPF (European Patients Forum), the European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP) and EPHA (European Public Health Alliance)
How to register? To register, please click here.
Interested in discussions around access to medicines? Come the day before to the EPF-Medicines for Europe Dialogue!
EPF members interested in joining the event on Access to Health are also invited to join another meeting taking place the day before, on 26 April, at the same place. This meeting is the 2nd edition of EPF-Medicines for Europe Dialogue, where we will resume the debate on how to optimise efforts for better access to high-quality medicines by building on the successful event of 2016.
Please note that participants coming to the Dialogue will be reimbursed for travel and accommodation. More information here.
We look forward to seeing you there!