Tell us how the future EU framework on Health Technology Assessment should look like!

EU HTA proposal
Based on our previous engagement with the topic and views gathered from our membership, EPF warmly welcomed the publication of the European Commission’s proposal for an EU Regulation on Health Technology Assessment (COM(2018) 51 final) on 31 January 2018 as an important step towards improving patients’ equitable access to healthcare that is of high quality.
Health Technology Assessment is the major legislative dossier on the EU Agenda for the coming year at least. National governments use HTA to inform their decisions on pricing and reimbursement of new therapies, especially medicines. Decisions on HTA thus affect all patients – in terms of the availability of treatments that add value for patients, and equitable access.
What EPF thinks
After more than 10 years of collaboration on HTA at EU level, EPF believes it is now time for Member States to commit to a more integrated framework on HTA. Despite the achievements of EU projects such as the EUnetHTA joint actions, the process for assessing technologies is still largely in the hands of Member States, and the picture is very fragmented. Similar to the experience with the regulatory process through the European Medicinces Agency, also aspects of HTA can be harmonised for the benefit of patients and ultimately the health systems.
Here you will find our draft analysis of the proposal. The document provides background information, and references to the legislative text. In the end of each section you will find questions to you, that will help us shape our detailed position.
Give us your input!
We would like you to have a look at our draft analysis and send us your comments to by 27 April at the latest. You can send us your input by email, or by adding your edits/comments to the word document in track changes. In any case, we highly encourage you to answer our consultation, even if you only comment on some of the issues. If you agree with our approach and do not wish to comment, let us know also!
Also, in order to further support your in providing feedback to this consultation, we will organise a webinar on the topic on 6 April, from 10.30 to 12.00. We will count on the presence of a Commission representative who will provide further information on the proposal, and you will be given the chance to ask questions and discuss the topics that are of interest to you.
Finally, if your organisation has its own positions or statements relating to HTA and/or any illustrative example / patient story (showing patient involvement or the impact of different HTA practices on patients’ access) we would be more than happy to received them.