We need you! Survey on defining access from the patient's perspective

EPF is launching a consultation on a position paper to define access from the patients’ perspective. This first draft was produced in consultation with the EPF Working Group on Access.
Why this position paper?
Having a patient-led definition of access is important to ensure that policies to tackle health inequalities and access barriers target all the dimensions of access that are relevant to patients. With the right definition, we could also encourage a better monitoring of patients’ access through improved indicators.
How to respond to the consultation?
The draft paper is available below. You comment on any part of the position are welcome.
Please send your response back to laurene.souchet@eu-patient.eu by 6th October at the latest. You are also welcome to contact us if you have any questions regarding the position or the consultation process.
After this first round of consultation, we will integrate your comments into a final draft that will be circulated for a final consultation.
We thank you for your answers!