Your feedback needed: Charter on Patient Empowerment

One of the concrete deliverables of the EPF thematic campaign on patient empowerment (2015-2016) is a patient-led Charter on Patient Empowerment. The Charter should encapsulate the fundamental principles of patient empowerment – “what really matters” to patients.
It is more about principles than concrete actions. The Charter should be comprised of 10 points and ideally fit on one page. We will aim to translate the Charter into some other languages. Therefore the text should be as short and easily understandable as possible.
About this 2nd draft version
A first draft Charter was drafted based on key messages from the EPF conference on patient empowerment held on 20-21 May 2015 and the outcomes of the mapping study on patient empowerment, EMPATHIE. The EPF Working Group on Patient Empowerment discussed the draft and their input was incorporated. Subsequently the draft was sent again to the working group as well as the wider EPF membership and participants of the conference for feedback. This second draft incorporates feedback from that round of consultation.
Your input needed
This is the second round of consultation. Please feel free to let us know any other comments you may have ( by Saturday 26 February 2016. The final version of the Charter will be laid out in a nice way, so we do not need to consider visual presentation at this point.
Next steps
The final version of the Charter will be approved by the EPF board. During the 2016 Annual General Meeting we will present and celebrate the Charter and invite members to give us some nice ideas on how they will use it in future activities.