Patient MedTech Dialogue Workshop on the Regulations on medical devices

On 9 March 2017, in the context of the Patient-MedTech Dialogue, EPF and MedTech Europe will organise a one-day workshop on the new Medical Devices and in vitro Diagnostics Regulations. During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to understand the patients’ and the industry’s perspectives and potential concerns about the new legislations. Furthermore, there will be an opportunity to exchange views on relevant elements of the Regulations, including transparency measures, clinical evaluation, re-use of single use devices, and specificities of in vitro diagnostics devices.
When and where?
On 9 March 2017, from 10.00 to 16.00. The workshop will be held in Brussels (Belgium), the venue and the agenda will be communicated in the coming weeks. Please mark the date in your agendas.
Who can participate?
Patients’ representative from EPF membership who are interested to know more about medical devices, in vitro diagnostics devices, and the impact of the new EU Regulations for patients.
How to register.
If you would like to join the discussion, please register with Timea, by 31st January 2017.