New call for project proposals!

EPF has been participating in numerous EU funded projects throughout the years, some of them embedded into the 3rd Health Programme (2014-2020). In the past few months, EPF has been actively joining project consortia in order to continue building upon our policy work and engage patients’ communities around Europe in meaningful ways for the upcoming years.
As a result of this, EPF would like to inquire your views on another proposal relevant to our activities: “Scaling up Integrated care” call. The main objective of the call is to support the pan-EU collaboration between health and/or social services actors at national, regional or local levels with a view to supporting Member States to reach the UN/WHO voluntary global targets on non-communicable diseases as well as the Sustainable Development Goals on reducing by one-third pre-mature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment, and promoting mental health and wellbeing.
Why is Integrated care important?
For patients with chronic conditions in particular, integrated care aims at improving or maintaining an individual's functional status, prolonging life and enhancing its quality by reducing discomfort caused by symptoms. To do this successfully, healthcare must overcome its fragmentation and link actively with social cases.
Contribute to the call!
Please come back to EPF with your questions, remarks, interests and willingness to actively participate in building up the proposal and later on being involved in the Project, in case of our consortium proposal is successful. You can send us your remarks at by 9 March 2018.
More information about the call
Read more on the proposal here.