Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Communicating Clinical Trial Results to Meet Public Needs

EFGCP and EFPIA, in partnership with EPF, are organising a Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Communicating Clinical Trial Results to Meet Public Needs.
What? This will be an interactive workshop. After an introductory session on updating the audience, the following sessions will consist of introductory presentations and pre-prepared, structured discussions with the audience, where participants will have the opportunity to make comments on all sections of the proposed EU Commission Guideline.
See the programme.
When? on 2 May
Where? Crowne Plaza Le Palace, Rue Gineste 3 - 1210 Brussels, Belgium
How to register? Find here the registration form.
Please note that there are 3 grants available for patient organisations representatives to attend the event. This grant will cover their registration fee for the event, travel & accommodation. You can apply to the grant directly at