Consultation on discrimination in education and in employment: your input needed

EPF is launching a consultation for its members on a draft position statement to define our perspective on equal treatment for patients in education and at work.
Why a position paper on discrimination in education and at the workplace?
This position paper is a tool to implement EPF’s strategic goal 6: “To promote the development of EU and national policies that tackle discrimination faced by patients in health and social care as well as in domains like education and employment.” It is based on our past work in this area including the EMPATHY seminar with the youth group.
The objectives with this paper are to:
- Gather perspectives of patients organisations on key barriers and good practices in education and in employment for the equal treatment of patients
- Raise awareness amongst decision makers on issues which patients with chronic and/or long term conditions face in education and in the workplace,
- To provide us with a tool to engage stakeholders including employers, education environment, and health professionals, appropriate ministries to take actions with patient organisations to break down the barriers which patients encounter in education and on the labour market
- Make recommendations from the patients’ perspective to ensure decision makers at EU level take actions towards patient-friendly education and workplaces.
How to respond to the consultation?
You can comment on all parts of the position paper. We have also included questions to members where further input is strongly needed. Please feel free to reply to some or all of the questions. Your feedback to make this position paper more effective and examples from your own work are strongly valued.
Please send your response back to by 26th June at the latest. You are also welcome to contact us if you have any questions regarding the position or the consultation process.
After this first round of consultation, we will integrate your comments into a final draft that will be circulated for a final consultation.
A story to share?
We also welcome patients’ testimonies in relation to equal treatment/discrimination in education and at the workplace. If you wish to share a testimony please see our guide “how to write a blog”.