EPF change of legal address

Our organisation EPF is officially registered in Luxemburg at the address of Alzheimers Europe. In August 2014, Alzheimers Europe needed to move premises, which meant that EPF’s address in Luxemburg changed.
For this change of address to become effective in Brussels, the Belgian authorities require approval by EPF’s General Assembly.
As this is urgent and only a technicality, the secretariat will make an addendum to the minutes of the AGM. This will then be formally approved by the General Assembly with the minutes at next year’s AGM.
Should you have any question, please contact Anke Seidler, anke.seidler@eu-patient.eu, Tel: +32 (0)2 274 08 63.
EPF legal address
European Patients’ Forum a.s.b.l.
Rue Dicks 14
L-1417 Luxembourg
Number: F 448