Info Day: Horizon 2020 - 'Health, demographic change and wellbeing'

When? 18 September 2015
Where? Brussels
This Info Day will precede the adoption of the Work Programme 2016-2017 (for the SC1 strand).
What can you expect?
This Info Day will:
- give you essential information on how to develop a good project proposal and take you through the application process, step by step
- help you find project partners (a brokerage event will be included)
- help you get answers to your questions (which you will be able to send in advance via the registration form)
- help you exchange practices with the participants who have already received funding under SC1 H2020 projects
- help you find new business opportunities
Some background - What is Horizon 2020?
Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) is the EU funding programme for research and innovation. One of its strands (SC1) puts emphasis on tackling societal challenges related to health, demographic change and wellbeing.
Having at its core the principle of better health for all, SC1 focuses on personalised health and care.
Budget: overall budget of €7.4 billion for the programme duration.
More information
More information is available on the Commission's website:
To register, please follow this link: