Final consultation on the EPF eHealth position paper

EPF needs your input to finalise our formal position statement regarding eHealth.
A first round of consultation was carried out from Mid-April to the end of May. Following this, comments received were integrated into a final draft of the eHealth position paper.
eHealth (the use of electronic means to provide healthcare services or information) is often described as a solution towards sustainability of healthcare and benefit patients. eHealth could help improve chronic diseases and multimorbidity management, enhance patient centric care, foster cross-border healthcare, and increase efficiency of healthcare systems and equity of access.
Objectives of this paper:
- To provide the patients’ perspective on various aspects of eHealth services
- To compile interesting findings from various eHealth projects where EPF was a partner and looked at the patients’ perspective on eHealth, empowerment or user requirements.
- To provide recommendations for eHealth policies at EU level and for research in this area
How to respond to the consultation?
You can comment on all parts of the position paper. Please send your response back to by 29 November at the latest. You are also welcome to contact us if you have any questions regarding the position or the consultation process.