Invitation - ESMO PAWG Workshop on Cancer Patient Advocacy Networks Driving Research

When? 5-7 February 2016
Where? Brussels (B)
Organisers: Patient Advocacy Workshop Group of the European Society for Medical Oncology
The aim of this weekend workshop is to look at the potential of patient networks, different types of research patient networks can drive and what it takes to do this successfully, in addition to the opportunity for networking and exchange between cancer umbrella groups.
Logistics - Support for patient representatives available
A limited number of travel grants will be available to support patient advocates' participation.
- Applications will be considered on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Travel grants will be allocated on a geographical base, accepting no more than 2 requests per country.
- Additional requests will be kept in a waiting list and processed at a later stage, based on the amount of financial support still available.
- Each grant shall be worth a reimbursement of travel costs up to a maximum of 200 EUR, (reimbursement after the event), accommodation will be arranged and cared for separately.
Interested? Please confirm your availability and interest in participating by 28 January 2016 to Please specify if you need to apply for a travel grant.
More information
A draft agenda and invitation letter can be found below.