EPF call to members: Take part in new task force on discrimination in the workplace and on the employment market

EPF is active in the area of tackling discrimination that patients can face in the workplace and on the employment market as a result of their health status.
Following EPF’s position statement published in January 2016 under the title "Equal treatment for patients in education and employment" and to highlight this issue and provide recommendations on how to tackle discrimination; EPF is setting up an informal temporary task force on discrimination in the workplace and on the employment market. This will also build on EPF’s work in the framework of the Slovak EU Presidency in collaboration with the ‘fit for work’ network.
The aim of the task force is to develop a set of tools (testimonies, case studies, recommendations to employers and decision makers…) to promote better inclusion of patients with chronic and long term conditions in the workplace. This set of tools is directly relevant to EPF’s strategic goal on non-discrimination, to promote the development of EU and national policies that tackle discrimination faced by patients in employment. (See EPF’s strategic plan p. 17) This task force, made up of volunteers from the EPF membership will provide expert advice in order to develop the content and format of this toolkit.
How the task force will operate:
- The task force will have teleconferences every 2 months (of more of less 1h30)
- Organisations promoting occupational health and safety and (re)integration of patients in the workplace will be invited to speak during these teleconferences, presenting their work, providing the opportunity for dialogue and potential cooperation with patient organisations.
- Members of the task force will also be expected to provide input on the draft set of tools.
- The task force will be in place from end of February 2017 to December 2017.
Why you should consider participating:
- The task force is a great opportunity to learn more about discrimination in the workplace.
- It provides a space to strengthen your network and dialogue with key organisations active in the field of better inclusion in the workplace at EU and potentially national level.
- EPF needs your expertise and suggestions to develop a strong set of different tools and recommendations to promote better inclusion of patients in the workplace to increase EPF’s evidence base and knowledge in this area in order strengthen our position in this dialogue.
Who can participate and how:
- We welcome participants who have expertise either personally or as an organisation on promotion of better inclusion of patients in the workplace and/or discrimination in the workplace/ on the employment market We also welcome participants that simply want to learn more on this topic.
- Delegates participating in this task force have to be nominated by an EPF member organisation.
- For practical reasons, the working language of the task force will be English.
To participate, please send an e-mail to katie.gallagher@eu-patient.eu by 20 February 2017.
Related Information
EPF Position Statement: "Equal treatment for patients in education and employment" (2016)