Driving better outcomes for better value: launch of the Early Intervention Toolkit!

The European Steering Group on Sustainable Healthcare, AbbVie, The Work Foundation & Fit for Work Global Alliance, and in cooperation with the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Estonia, are delighted to invite you to: Driving Better Outcomes For Better Value: Launch Of The Early Intervention Toolkit.
The event will take place at the European Parliament, on Tuesday 21 November 2017, 13.30-15.30, followed by networking reception.
Supporting those with musculoskeletal conditions return to work, reducing sickness absences and generating eleven euro of return for every one invested, the pioneering Early Intervention Clinic is driving better outcomes for better value for patients, healthcare systems and society.
You are invited you to join us at this special event to launch a Toolkit designed to support the pan-European rollout of the principles behind the Early Intervention Clinic. With a healthy and active workforce as one of the key pillars of the Europe 2020 Strategy and the effective management of chronic diseases central to improving the sustainability of healthcare systems across Europe, the launch of this patient-centric Toolkit comes at a crucial time. We look forward to welcoming you to its first live demonstration in November.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Nicola Bedlington, Secretary General, European Patients' Forum
- Sylvain Giraud, Head of Unit B1 - Performance of National Health Systems, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE)
- Antonio Cammarota, Team Leader, Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL)
- Marian Harkin MEP (ALDE), Co-founder of the Interest Group Brain, Mind and Pain
- Mary Harney, Former Minister of Health for Ireland and Chair of the European Steering Group on Sustainable Healthcare
- Professor Anthony Woolf, Chair, Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance
Attendance is restricted to those who register via the Eventbrite page: https://goo.gl/jgnSrk.
Please contact sustainablehealthcare-events@hanovercomms.com if you have any questions.