EPF member consultation: Clinical trial results – communication of the lay summary

Did you know that…
…the new EU Clinical Trials Regulation requires that all clinical trials in the EU must be registered in a new database and the results published, including a summary that is understandable by ordinary people? That is an extremely important development to increase patients’ understanding of research results, and enable meaningful patient involvement throughout the research process.
How should the results of clinical trials be communicated to patients?
You will find below a consultation document with some questions and draft EPF recommendations. We would like to have as much feedback as possible before finalising our position statement.
Please feel free to circulate this document to your own members to consult their views, bearing in mind it is an internal EPF document not intended for external stakeholders or for publication at this time.
Send us your feedback! (Extended Deadline: 6 January 2015)
Please send your comments to kaisa.immonen.charalambous@eu-patient.eu by 6 January 2015. Based on your feedback we will develop a final draft position statement which we will circulate again for a short period, prior to formal adoption.