Complete the Joint Research Centre survey on data privacy and use of personal data for research purposes

The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission has launched an anonymised survey, with the aim to understand the patients' opinions with regard to data privacy and the use of personal health data for epidemiological research purposes.
The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete (19 simple questions in total). It will be accessible in all the official languages of the EU, and can be accessed from the web or by mobile 'phones.
EPF would like to ask your help in reaching out to patients by:
- Disseminating this survey within your membership
- Fill the survey if you are a patient or carer
- Communicating us the number of contacts you sent the survey to. This information is important for the JRC to ensure the representativeness of the survey but will not be published. Please send this information to
The survey is accessible here for an initial period of 3 weeks: