IMI Workshop on how to foster patient engagement in medicines’ Research and Development (R&D)

The Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (IMI JU) is planning to organise an exploratory workshop on how to foster patient engagement in medicines’ Research and Development (R&D) and discuss how IMI themselves can support this endeavour in future calls for proposals.
When? 28 April 2016 (to be confirmed)
Where? Munich (Germany)
Target audience: This workshop will involve all key stakeholder groups in this area (around 30 to 40 participants). A few seats will be reserved to patient representatives.
Preparatory webinar
EPF has been invited to contribute our thoughts and provide strategic input to inform the preparation of the workshop and define the objectives and outcomes.
To that end EPF would like to hold a preparatory webinar involving a cross-cutting representation of our members who have a genuine interest in the area of patient engagement in medicines’ R&D to align our views and hopefully agree on a list of key principles we would like to take forward to the workshop.
If you are interested in joining this webinar please send a short paragraph outlining your specific interest in this area to Walter Atzori (, EPF Director of Programmes and Operations and complete the following Doodle with your availability:
Deadline for expressing interest: 4 March
A draft background paper will be sent ahead of webinar.