Plataforma de Organizaciones de Patientes

The Spanish Platform of Patient organisations was established in October 2014. It defends the interest of more than 10 million patients through 26 patient organisations. The Spanish Platform of Patient organisations brings together the main groups that represent patients, people with chronic diseases and symptoms in Spain. Its objective is to promote their participation and defend their rights in all areas, policies, and actions that affect their life.
Type: National coalition
Country: Spain
Disease area: Cross-Diseases
Representative: María Gálvez Sierra, Director
Contact details:
Plataforma de Organizaciones de Pacientes
Technical Secretariat
Calle Padilla, 290-292. Entresuelo 1º.
08025 Barcelona (Barcelona).
+34 931061759
For further information, please visit Plataforma's website:
Related Information
Membership Certificate - Plataforma de Organizaciones de Patientes