NCDP – National Confederation of Disabled People of Greece

NCDP is an umbrella organisation representing the disability and chronic diseases’ patient’s movement in Greece. It was found in 1989 by organizations of people with disabilities, chronic diseases and their families, in order to cope with issues of common interest for all different categories of disability and chronic diseases. NCDP represents independently and strongly disabled people and people with chronic diseases to the Greek State and society. Currently NCDP represents people with all kinds of disability and 11 chronic diseases.
Type: national coalition of patient organisations
Country: Greece
Representative: President Ioannis Vardakastanis
Leoforos Eleftheriou Venizelou 236,
Ilioupoli, Athens, Greece
Tel: 0030 210 9949837
For further information, please see NCDP's website:
Related Information
Membership Certificate - NCDP – National Confederation of Disabled People