LUPUS Europe

LUPUS EUROPE is the umbrella association of currently 31 national lupus self-help organisations from 29 member countries throughout Europe. It is a registered charity supporting people with lupus in Europe. LUPUS EUROPE promotes lupus at conventions and meetings throughout Europe. It aims to be the competent contact for all information about lupus at European level.
Type: pan-European disease-specific organisation
Disease area: Lupus. Systemic Lupus erythematosus (SLE, Lupus) is an autoimmune disease which can affect all parts and organs of the body giving rise to many varying symptoms. Lupus is a condition whereby the body’s defense mechanism goes into overdrive and starts to attack itself. The symptoms are many and varied, and the illness often seems to mimic other diseases.
Representative: Zoe Karakikla-Mitsakou – General Secretary
Rue d’ Egmont 11,
Brussels, 1000, Belgium
Contact details:
Tel: +32 478 80 20 69
For more information, please visit the website: