IDF Europe - International Diabetes Federation European Region

IDF Europe is the European chapter of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). It is an umbrella organisation representing 69 diabetes organisations in 47 countries across Europe. IDF Europe is a diverse and inclusive multicultural network of national diabetes associations, representing both people living with diabetes and healthcare professionals. Through our activities, IDF Europe aims to influence policy, increase public awareness and encourage health improvement, and promote the exchange of best practice and high-quality information about diabetes throughout the European region. IDF Europe provides essential expertise and up-to-date evidence on diabetes, supports awareness campaigns through a network of partners and stakeholders, and advocates European and international organisations for proper public policies for diabetes.
Type: pan-European disease-specific organisation
Disease area: Diabetes
Representative: Stella de Sabata
Chaussée de La Hulpe 166-C3
1170 Brussels
Tel : +32 2 6392094
For more information, please viisit the website: