ENUSP - European Network of (ex)users and survivors of psychiatry (ENUSP)

ENUSP gives (ex-)users and survivors of psychiatric services across Europe a way to communicate so that we can support one other in the personal, political and social struggle against injustice and discrimination. ENUSP is the only grassroots umbrella organisation working across Europe to unite local and national organisations of (ex-)users and survivors of psychiatry. The organisation represents directly the views of people who are or have been on the receiving end of psychiatric services.
Type: pan-European disease-specific organisation
Disease area: mental health
Representative: Gabriela Tanasan
Str. Molidului 5A
Campulung Moldovenesc, 725100
Contact details:
Tel: +40 740 459 172
Email: gtanasan@gmail.com
Website: www.enusp.org