EHLTF - European Heart and Lung Transplant Federation

The European Heart and Lung Transplant Federation's objectives are: To promote and protect the interest of all European Heart and Lung Transplant recipients. To promote Organ Donor awareness through sporting, social and National events. To provide information on Transplant issues to our wider membership and to promote and encourage the exchange of information and experiences between National Associations. To provide support and leadership to our wider membership To engage with European Political Institutions and agencies in the promotion and advancement of health issues within the area of Organ Donation, Procurement and Transplantation. To seek membership of European health committees through the European Union and the Council of Europe to advance our primary objectives. To become the respected and authoritative pan-European Patient voice reflecting the views, opinions and needs of its growing membership on all matters surrounding Organ Donation, Procurement and Transplantation.
Type: pan-European disease-specific organisation
Disease area: Heart and Lung Transplant
Representative: Jenny Björk, Treasurer
Contact details:
For more information, please visit the website:
Related Information
Membership Certificate - EHLTF - European Heart and Lung Transplant Federation