EGAN - Patients Network for Medical Research and Health

The Patients Network for Medical Research and Health EGAN is an alliance of both National Genetic Alliances and European disease specific patient organisations with a special interest in genetics, genomics and biotechnology. Especially, but not only, genetic disorders are represented within EGAN. EGAN is working for a voice in research and health policy and seeks a world in which genetic and other serious diseases are understood, effectively treated, prevented and the people affected supported.
Type: pan-European disease-specific organisation
Disease area: Genetic diseases
Representative: Mr. Cor Oosterwijk
Koninginnelaan 23
3762 DA Soest
The Netherlands
Contact details:
Tel: +31 35 603 4040 +31 35 603 4040
Fax: +31 35 602 7440
For more information, please visit the website:
Related Information
Membership Certificate - EGAN - Patients Network for Medical Research and Health