AOPP - Association for the Protection of Patients' Rights (Slovak Republic)

The Association for the Protection of Patients' Rights in Slovakia (AOPP) is a national umbrella coalition representing 38 patient organizations in Slovakia, covering more than 20 disease areas. AOPP was founded 2001. It is the first patient platform in Slovakia, which brings together specific patient organizations according to individual diagnoses. AOPP has been protecting the rights of patients for more than 15 years. AOPP provides them with medical, social and legal counseling and informs the public about the rights and duties of patients, as well as on the functioning of the healthcare system. We participate in the creation of Slovak and European law. We represent Slovak patient organizations in the European Patients’ Forum and the International Alliance of Patient Organizations. We organize regular educational meetings for all patients, where they can learn up to date information. We prepare workshops and conferences on topical issues focused on patients for our members. AOPP is a member of the Slovak Government Council for the NGOs and the Committee for persons with disabilities.
Name in local language: Asociácia na ochranu práv pacientov SR
Type: national coalition of patient organisations
Country: Slovak Republic
Disease areas covered: Diabetes, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Mental health, Down’s Syndrome, Parkinson’s Disease, Epilepsy, Breast Cancer, Lymfoma, Myeloma, other cancer diseases, Rheumatic Diseases, Coeliac Disease, Liver Problems, Cardiovascular Diseases, Skin Diseases, HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases, Sclerosis Multiplex, Kidney diseases, Hemophilia, Illnesses of the musculoskeletal system, Civilisation Diseases, Marfan Sydrome, Incontinence.
- Mária Lévyová – President
- Elena Marušáková – First Vice-President
- Dominik Tomek – Vice-President
- Hana Vrabcová – Board member
- Darina Sedláková – Board member
Contact person: Darina Sedláková
Prešovská 39
82108 Bratislava
For more information, please visit the website: