EFNA - European Federation of Neurological Associations

EFNA brings together European umbrella organisations of neurological patient advocacy groups, to work with other associations in the field of neurology, including the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS), in what has been termed a “Partnership for Progress“. EFNA's mission is: to influence policy makers and legislators in Europe (and particularly in the European Union) to prioritise resource allocation to reduce the burden for people living with a neurological disorder. to communicate with our members to achieve positive change and to ensure that our actions both represent and provide added value to their own concerns and activities. to establish strong partnerships and alliances with relevant stakeholders in the scientific, clinical, political and corporate arenas to help us to reach our goals – partnership for progress.
Type: Pan-European disease-specific organisation
Disease area: Neurological disorders. Neurological disorders are diseases of the brain, spine and the nerves that connect them. There are more than 600 diseases of the nervous system, such as brain tumors, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and stroke as well as less familiar ones such as frontotemporal dementia.
Representative: Donna Walsh, Executive Director
Contact details:
Tel: +353 87 983 0816
Email: executivedirector@efna.net
For more information, please visit EFNA's website: https://enfa-europe.eu/
Related Information
Membership Certificate - EFNA - European Federation of Neurological Associations