DEBRA International - Global Network of Epidermolysis Bullosa Support Groups

DEBRA International is the umbrella organisation for a worldwide network of patient support and research funding groups working on behalf of those affected by Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). Its vision is to ensure that people living with EB have access to the best quality support and medical care, while also driving the development of effective treatments and cures.
Type: International disease-specific organisation
Disease area: Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). EB is a group of rare genetic skin conditions, which is characterised by extremely fragile skin and recurrent blister formation, resulting from minor mechanical friction or trauma.
Representative: Olivia Mullins (DEBRA International Business Manager)
Contact details:
Debra House
Am Heumarkt 27/1
1030 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 876 40 30
For more information, please visit DEBRA's website: