Re-Launch of MEP Interest Group on Access to Healthcare

Re-Launch of MEP Interest Group on Access to Healthcare "The State of Health in the EU – persistent gaps in access: where do we go from here?" Wednesday 04 March | 14:30 to 16:30 | European Parliament | Room JAN 6Q1 Hosted by PACT in collaboration with the MEP Interest Group on Access to Healthcare and DG SANTE
We are delighted to inform you that next week the relaunch of the Patient Access Partnership will finally take place!
The Interest Group will build upon cross-sector collaborative efforts to bring in representatives from various committees, sectors and countries.
If you are in Brussels next week join us in meeting the new mandate of the MEP Interest Group on Equitable Access to Healthcare and its future ambitions and initiatives.
The debate will kick off by commenting on the newly published reports on the “State of Health in the EU”.
You can confirm your attendance, by registering for the event here.
Find draft agenda here