HTA Seminar 2010 Presentations
Please find below presentations from the HTA seminar in the order they were presented:Final Programme
Presentation - HTA, A Helicopter View, Jean Mossmann.ppt
Presentation - A Health Professional's Perspective, Michael Wilks.ppt
Presentation - Policy Challenges in HTA in Europe, The Impact on Patient Access, Andrea Rappagliosi.ppt
Presentation - HTA Cooperation in the EU, Jerome Boehm.ppt
Presentation - EUnetHTA Joint Action 2010-2012, Iris Pasternack.ppt
Presentation - HTA Assessment - A DocPat Alternative View, Albert Jovell .ppt
Workshop 1: The Science and Methodologies Behind HTA, Diversity and Commonality Accross the EU
Main Presentation Workshop 1.ppt
Workshop 2: The Politics of HTA at EU and National Level - How Can Patient Groups Best Get Involved
Workshop 3: Applying the Value+ Model on Patient Involvement in HTA Processes
Workshop 3 - Main Presentation.ppt