
Participating Organisations:
The programme targets twenty (20) patient organisations, including the EPF member: COPAC - Coalition of Organizations of Patients with Chronic Diseases:
- National Alliance for Rare Diseases Romania
- Antiparkinskon Association
- Children's Joy Association
- Association Mures children and young diabetics
- My child Association - My Heart
- Multiple Sclerosis Association of Romania
- Mini Debra Association
- Small Men Association
- Patients with Autoimmune Diseases Association
- Paul Association
- Prader Willi Association
- Romanian Association for Rare Cancers
- The Romanian Association of Hemophilia
- UNOPA - The National Union of Organisations of People Affected by HIV/AIDS
- The Association of Patients with Thalassemia Major
- The Association for Supporting Patients with MDR TB
- Transplanters Association in Romania
- Association of the Oncological Patients in Romania
- Federation for rights and resources for people with autistic spectrum disorders
As of 2016, the program expanded its support to additional nine (9) patient organisations:
- Federation for the Rights and Resources for People with autism spectrum disorder
- My child Association - My Heart
Paul Association
- Small Men Association
Mini Debra Association
- Prader Willi Association
- Patients with Autoimmune Diseases Association
Association Mures children and young diabetics
- Association of Children's Joy
You can find further information on the participating organisations here.
UPCOMING in 2017:
Mid-Term review of Strategic Plans
The Mid-Term review of Strategic Plans is designed to review patient organizations’ progress made towards achieving the strategic goals, to reflect on the changing external environment and to assess whether any change in the approaches used is needed. Each participating organization, who already in 2012, benefited from individual advice and support provided by the local experts to develop its Strategic Plan for the first time, will by the of this review have revised version of its Strategic Plan. The Mid-Term review aims to help participants to strengthening their organisations and improve their performance on a mid-term basis.
Related Information
Capacity Building Programme in Romania since 2012:
The programme kicked off in mid-2012 with the implementation of a 12-month strategic planning. By autumn 2013 each organisation had developed their first ever strategic plan and benefited from a comprehensive needs assessment of their current capacity and prioritisation of training needs. By autumn 2014 all organisations had completed the operational planning. By the end of 2015, the trainings on fundraising were completed.