
Participating Organisations:
The programme targets nine (9) patient organisations:
- National Patient Coalition BEMOSZ
- National Association of People with Multiple Sclerosis
- Hungarian League of Patients with Rheumatic Diseases
- Hungarian Osteoporosis Patient Association
- Hungarian Coeliac Society
- Hungarian Federation of People with Rare and Congenital Diseases
- Hungarian Organization for Patients with Immunodeficiencies
- Delta Hungarian Parkinson Association
- National Stroke League
You can find further information on the participating organisations here.
2016/2017: Module in Strategic Communication
The strategic communication is an integral component of organization’s long-term plans, and it is increasingly important element of the public health advocacy organizations to ensure that strategically focused message is reaching a targeted audience (ex.: decision-makers) and other stakeholders (ex.: partner organizations, donors). Some of the topics of this module includes: a transparent communication, internal and external communication channels, pros and cons of various communication tools, effective communication strategies and campaigns etc.
See the report on the module here.
Related Information
Capacity Building Programme in Hungary since 2012:
The programme kicked off in mid-2012 with the implementation of a 12-month strategic planning. By autumn 2013 each organisation had developed their first ever strategic plan and benefited from a comprehensive needs assessment of their current capacity and prioritisation of training needs. By autumn 2014 all organisations had completed the operational planning. By the end of summer 2016, the training module on fundraising, ethics, and transparency was completed.