EU Level

Capacity Building Module on Empowering Leadership and Positive Governance 2019
What is it?
The capacity building module on Empowering Leadership and Positive Governance is an exciting and unique opportunity offering a tailored high-quality training to patient organisations who have the eager to learn more about leadership and positive governance and explore their potentials.
What is the topic?
The overarching theme of this year (2018) European capacity-building module is Empowering Leadership and Positive Governance.
With Empowering Leadership, we understand the process of sharing information, rewards, and power with team members (either paid staff or volunteers) and board members so that they can take initiative and make decisions to solve problems and improve service and performance. Empowering leadership share several characteristics like trust, competency, consistency, commitment and creates a positive circle in the organisation.
With Positive Governance, we understand the process for making and implementing decisions. It is not about making “correct” decisions, but about designing the best possible process for making those decision. Positive decision-making processes, and therefore, positive governance share several characteristics like transparency, accountability, collegiality, quality, role clarification and good working relationships.
Patient organisations and patient organisations’ leaders are becoming more and more visible actors in the healthcare arena. This is an important and positive change. Nevertheless, it also brings new and bigger challenges:
- Organisations leaders exchange more frequently and more intensively with several stakeholders at the same time;
- Instable political situations and rapid changes in governments put extra pressure on patient organisations;
- The growth in visibility is not linked to a growth in financial and human resources of patient organisations, therefore they face more challenges and increasing demands from external stakeholders with small teams, mostly of volunteers and limited financial resources;
Where and when?
The Training Module will consist of an online kick-off meeting, two face-to- face trainings, and online coaching.
Online Kick-off meeting: April 2018 (date tbd)
1st face to face training: May 2018 (date tbd)
Online coaching: May- September 2018 (date tbd)
Second face to face training: September 2018 (date tbd)
Participants must be able to attend the entire Course programme.
Who should apply?
All applicants must be either a:
The programme targets preferably high-level representatives of patient organisations (Directors, Board Members):
- The EPF Member organisations at European or national-regional level mainly based in but not only in Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Western Balkans to continue the capacity building efforts that EPF carried on in the past years in these targeted countries and to stimulate high-level exchanges among patient advocates leaders;
- A cross-section of EPF Member organisations’ membership;
- Other European or national-regional patient organisations not affiliated with EPF who have expressed an interest in participating in this capacity building module.
As a general eligibility rule, organisations participating in the CBP are the patient organisations who are:
- Legally registered association/NGO working for the direct benefit of targeted, disease-specific population in a specific geographical scope;
- National coalitions of patient organisations;
- European disease specific associations, federations or networks mandated to defend the interests of a population affected by a specific disease;
- Disease specific organisations active at national/regional level;
- The organisations participating in the module and its representative should commit to take part to the module during its whole duration by signing an enrolment contract presenting the duties and benefits of the programme;
- Participants should have a proficient level English written and spoken;
How to apply?
Please fill in this application.
Applications will be accepted until midnight on March 15, 2018 - no late applications will be accepted or considered! All accepted applicants will be notified by 30 March 2018 at the latest.
More info
If you have any additional questions or issues with your application, please contact EPF Secretariat members Elena Balestra, Membership and Capacity Building Officer, at
Good luck!