COVID-19 Resource Point

We have been collecting responses and testimonies from patients with chronic conditions to learn how they are being or will be affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. All contributions are welcome: we strongly encourage all our members to connect with each other and share information, learnings and support. Take a look at our Patient Perspectives section!
We have also been grouping reliable information on medicines and vaccine development, as well as research and perspectives from the field. Our recently launched COVID-19 Resource Point is available for your reading, and is being updated on a daily basis.
During this challenging time, EPF has already called on EU Member States to act rapidly and follow the WHO’s advice to contain the spread of COVID-19 as far as possible, in order to protect the most vulnerable, including patients with chronic conditions. EPF has so far issued six statements and a letter to EU Commissioner for Health Stella Kyriakides - find all EPF statements here.
As the European patient voice, remember we are always here to support you: during these times working together and learning from each other is important, and we want to help in any way we can. If you have anything you would like to share in one of our sections, get in touch with us: